Cool stuff
- Video: Oracle X$TRACE, Wait Event Internals and Background Process Communication
- Secret Hacking Session: Oracle Background Process Communication, Exotic Wait Events and Some Tracing too
- My New Youtube Channel
- Old ventures and new adventures
- ShowMOS: How to get rid of the annoying “The Page has Expired” dialog in My Oracle Support
- Session Snapper v4 – The World’s Most Advanced Oracle Troubleshooting Script!
- Sqlplus is my second home: Part 7 – Downloading files via sqlplus :-)
- Sqlplus is my second home: Part 6 – Colorizing sqlplus and terminal output
- Profiling trace files with preprocessor external tables in 11g and some parallel execution hacking
- Evil things are happening in Oracle
- V8 Bundled Exec call – and Oracle Program Interface (OPI) calls
- Tech Reviewer, Tech Reviewer! ;-)
- IOUG Select Journal Editor’s Choice Award 2011
- Latch contention troubleshooting case study and Flashback Database performance issues with LOBs
- MOATS: The Mother of All Tuning Scripts!
- Implicit datatype conversion in the parsing phase – something new I learned today!
- ORA-4031 errors, contention, cursor management issues and shared pool fragmentation – free secret seminar!
- Is this valid SQL syntax? :-)
- COUNT STOPKEY operation (the where ROWNUM <= N predicate) doesn't process over ~4 Billion rows and returns wrong results
- The most fundamental difference between hash and nested loop joins
- Oracle Closed World presentation links
- The full power of Oracle’s diagnostic events, part 2: ORADEBUG DOC and 11g improvements
- Flexible Sqlplus command line history with RLWRAP
- Execution plan Quiz: Shouldn’t these row sources be the other way around ;-)
- Quiz: Explaining index creation
- KGH: NO ACCESS – Buffer cache inside streams pool too!
- Calculate SQL_ID and SQL_HASH_VALUE from SQL text
- Oracle Latch Contention Troubleshooting
- New versions of LatchProf and LatchProfX for latch contention troubleshooting and tuning
- Oracle Troubleshooting: How to read Oracle ERRORSTACK output?!
- Oracle Wait Event reference
- Oracle Peformance Visualization…
- Finding the reasons for excessive logical IOs
- What’s a good way to learn some Oracle internals every day?
- SystemTap is production supported in Redhat EL5.4
- latch: cache buffers chains latch contention – a better way for finding the hot block
- An interview with me
- (Secret) Preview of Oracle 12g CBO leaked from Oracle labs…
- Using Perfsheet and TPT scripts for solving real life performance problems
- I have been troubleshooting since I was a kid! :)
- Tracing Oracle SQL plan execution with DTrace
- Read OS environment variables using DBMS_SYSTEM.GET_ENV()
- I’m an Oracle ACE Director now :)
- The real history of Oracle database revealed!
- The full power of Oracle’s diagnostic events, part 1: Syntax for KSD debug event handling
- SQL_ID is just a fancy representation of hash value
- Performance Visualization, Capacity planning and Hotsos Symposium
- Multipart cursor subexecution and PRECOMPUTE_SUBQUERY hint
- Advanced Oracle Troubleshooting Guide, Part 8: Even more detailed latch troubleshooting using LatchProfX
- Closed database and WITH subquery
- Advanced Oracle Troubleshooting Guide, Part 7: Sampling latch holder statistics using LatchProf
- Advanced Oracle Troubleshooting Guide, Part 6: Understanding Oracle execution plans with os_explain
- Generating lots of rows using connect by – safely!
- Advanced Oracle Troubleshooting Guide, Part 5: Sampling V$ stuff with WaitProf. Really fast. Using SQL!
- Using autonomous transactions for sleeping
- Can you write a working SQL statement without using any whitespace?
- Expensive calculator…
- Perl version of Snapper
- Sqlplus is my second home, part 5: Reading the name of currently executing script
- Sqlplus is my second home, part 4: Getting sqlplus parameter value into a variable
- Sqlplus is my second home, part 3: Colored selections in Windows XP command prompt
- Sqlplus is my second home, part 2: Running SQL scripts from remote locations using HTTP
- Oracle Session Snapper, part 2: Getting most out of Snapper
- Oracle Session Snapper – real-time session-level performance stats for DBAs
- Sqlplus is my second home, Part 1: HTMLizing your sqlplus output