MySQL Now Shows its Thread Names at OS Level for Better Troubleshooting


Starting from v8.0.27, the MySQL daemon shows its thread names at the OS level too, for better troubleshooting. The MySQL 8.0.27 release notes say this:

To assist monitoring and troubleshooting, the Performance Schema instrumentation is now used to export names of instrumented threads to the operating system. This enables utilities that display thread names, such as debuggers and the Unix ps command, to display distinct mysqld thread names rather than “mysqld”. This feature is supported only on Linux, macOS, and Windows.

This instrumented thread naming allows you to do this:

$ ps -Lp `pgrep mysqld` -o tid,cmd,comm
   TID CMD                         COMMAND
  5405 /usr/sbin/mysqld            mysqld
  6033 /usr/sbin/mysqld            ib_io_ibuf
  6034 /usr/sbin/mysqld            ib_io_log
  6044 /usr/sbin/mysqld            ib_pg_flush_co
  6045 /usr/sbin/mysqld            ib_pg_flush-1
  6683 /usr/sbin/mysqld            evt_sched
  6684 /usr/sbin/mysqld            sig_handler
  6689 /usr/sbin/mysqld            xpl_accept-2
  6691 /usr/sbin/mysqld            gtid_zip
 88185 /usr/sbin/mysqld            connection
 88198 /usr/sbin/mysqld            connection
 88201 /usr/sbin/mysqld            connection

The “connection” threads above are the foreground ones serving your application connections (and running SQL), the others are various background threads, doing all kinds of lower level I/O & internal maintenance tasks.

Previously, you’d have needed to log in to MySQL and query performance_schema.threads to map the OS thread ID to the MySQL thread ID for seeing the context of what was this thread’s purpose inside the database:

mysql> select name,type from performance_schema.threads where thread_os_id = 6683;
| name                       | type       |
| thread/sql/event_scheduler | FOREGROUND |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

You can run all kinds of clever sysadmin SQL commands in shell by piping ps and basic command line tools together, to summarize your current MySQLd activity viewed from the OS level:

$ sudo ps -Lp `pgrep mysqld` -o s,comm,wchan | sort | uniq -c | sort -nbr | head -15
     44 D connection      iomap_dio_rw
     17 R connection      -
      2 S connection      futex_wait_queue_me
      1 S xpl_worker-2    futex_wait_queue_me
      1 S xpl_worker-1    futex_wait_queue_me
      1 S xpl_accept-2    ep_poll
      1 S xpl_accept-1    futex_wait_queue_me
      1 S sig_handler     do_sigtimedwait
      1 S mysqld          poll_schedule_timeout.constprop.13
      1 S ib_srv_wkr-3    futex_wait_queue_me
      1 S ib_srv_wkr-2    futex_wait_queue_me
      1 S ib_srv_wkr-1    futex_wait_queue_me
      1 S ib_srv_purge    futex_wait_queue_me
      1 S ib_srv_mon      futex_wait_queue_me
      1 S ib_srv_lock_to  futex_wait_queue_me

In the above scenario we had 17 user connection threads busy running on CPU (or at least trying to run on CPU) and 44 threads were waiting in D state (usually, but not always, disk I/O), having gone to sleep in the iomap_dio_rw kernel function in Linux. Of course this was just one snapshot in time, for getting a better overview of what’s happening over time, I should run this command multiple times to get a bigger sample size.

Note that I ran ps with sudo to get the WCHAN printed properly. Modern Linux versions hide WCHAN contents (and show just a -) from non-privileged users.

There’s more interesting thread state info available in the /proc filesystem that ps does not show, so let’s use my pSnapper tool from the toolset:

$ psn -p mysql

Linux Process Snapper v1.1.0 by Tanel Poder []
Sampling /proc/stat for 5 seconds... finished.

=== Active Threads =================================================

 samples | avg_threads | comm              | state                  
     479 |        4.79 | (connection)      | Disk (Uninterruptible) 
     192 |        1.92 | (connection)      | Running (ON CPU)       
      96 |        0.96 | (ib_log_flush)    | Disk (Uninterruptible) 
      62 |        0.62 | (ib_log_writer)   | Disk (Uninterruptible) 
      53 |        0.53 | (ib_srv_wkr-*)    | Disk (Uninterruptible) 
      22 |        0.22 | (ib_pg_flush-*)   | Disk (Uninterruptible) 
      21 |        0.21 | (ib_srv_wkr-*)    | Running (ON CPU)       
      17 |        0.17 | (ib_srv_purge)    | Disk (Uninterruptible) 
      15 |        0.15 | (ib_pg_flush-*)   | Running (ON CPU)       
      10 |        0.10 | (ib_io_wr-*)      | Running (ON CPU)       
       9 |        0.09 | (ib_pg_flush_co)  | Disk (Uninterruptible) 
       7 |        0.07 | (ib_srv_purge)    | Running (ON CPU)       
       3 |        0.03 | (ib_log_writer)   | Running (ON CPU)       
       3 |        0.03 | (ib_pg_flush_co)  | Running (ON CPU)       
       2 |        0.02 | (ib_log_fl_notif) | Running (ON CPU)       
       1 |        0.01 | (ib_io_rd-*)      | Running (ON CPU)       
       1 |        0.01 | (ib_log_checkpt)  | Disk (Uninterruptible) 
       1 |        0.01 | (ib_log_flush)    | Running (ON CPU)       

samples: 100 (expected: 100)
total processes: 2, threads: 105
runtime: 5.01, measure time: 0.85

Looks like MySQL changes the comm field of the thread. Let’s add the cmdline to the column list:

$ psn -p mysql -G cmdline

Linux Process Snapper v1.1.0 by Tanel Poder []
Sampling /proc/cmdline, stat for 5 seconds... finished.

=== Active Threads ===================================================================

 samples | avg_threads | comm             | state                  | cmdline        
     647 |        6.47 | (connection)     | Disk (Uninterruptible) | /usr/sbin/mysqld 
     253 |        2.53 | (connection)     | Running (ON CPU)       | /usr/sbin/mysqld 
      96 |        0.96 | (ib_log_flush)   | Disk (Uninterruptible) | /usr/sbin/mysqld 
      64 |        0.64 | (ib_log_writer)  | Disk (Uninterruptible) | /usr/sbin/mysqld 
      56 |        0.56 | (ib_srv_wkr-*)   | Disk (Uninterruptible) | /usr/sbin/mysqld 
      28 |        0.28 | (ib_pg_flush-*)  | Disk (Uninterruptible) | /usr/sbin/mysqld 
      12 |        0.12 | (ib_srv_purge)   | Disk (Uninterruptible) | /usr/sbin/mysqld 
      11 |        0.11 | (ib_pg_flush-*)  | Running (ON CPU)       | /usr/sbin/mysqld 
      10 |        0.10 | (ib_pg_flush_co) | Disk (Uninterruptible) | /usr/sbin/mysqld 
       9 |        0.09 | (ib_srv_wkr-*)   | Running (ON CPU)       | /usr/sbin/mysqld 
       8 |        0.08 | (ib_io_rd-*)     | Running (ON CPU)       | /usr/sbin/mysqld 
       8 |        0.08 | (ib_srv_purge)   | Running (ON CPU)       | /usr/sbin/mysqld 
       7 |        0.07 | (ib_io_wr-*)     | Running (ON CPU)       | /usr/sbin/mysqld 
       3 |        0.03 | (ib_pg_flush_co) | Running (ON CPU)       | /usr/sbin/mysqld 
       2 |        0.02 | (ib_log_flush)   | Running (ON CPU)       | /usr/sbin/mysqld 
       2 |        0.02 | (ib_log_writer)  | Running (ON CPU)       | /usr/sbin/mysqld 

Ok, the cmdline still shows /usr/bin/mysqld for all threads, just like in previous MySQL versions.

As a sidenote, interestingly Postgres (that does process naming) uses the /proc fields in an opposite manner:

$ psn -p post -a -G cmdline

Linux Process Snapper v1.1.0 by Tanel Poder []
Sampling /proc/cmdline, stat for 5 seconds... finished.

=== Active Threads ====================================================================================

 samples | avg_threads | comm         | state                 | cmdline                                
     100 |        1.00 | (postmaster) | Sleep (Interruptible) | /usr/pgsql-14/bin/postmaster           
     100 |        1.00 | (postmaster) | Sleep (Interruptible) | postgres: autovacuum launcher          
     100 |        1.00 | (postmaster) | Sleep (Interruptible) | postgres: background writer            
     100 |        1.00 | (postmaster) | Sleep (Interruptible) | postgres: checkpointer                 
     100 |        1.00 | (postmaster) | Sleep (Interruptible) | postgres: logger                       
     100 |        1.00 | (postmaster) | Sleep (Interruptible) | postgres: logical replication launcher 
     100 |        1.00 | (postmaster) | Sleep (Interruptible) | postgres: stats collector              
     100 |        1.00 | (postmaster) | Sleep (Interruptible) | postgres: walwriter                    

On Postgres, each process has its comm shown as the generic postmaster and the cmdline shows the context, the purpose of this process (more about this in a future post).

Ok, back to MySQL. Thanks to its thread naming and pSnapper’s ability to link together thread states and their current system calls, you can easily report MySQL behavior all the way to the Linux kernel level:

$ sudo psn -p mysql -G syscall

Linux Process Snapper v1.1.0 by Tanel Poder []
Sampling /proc/syscall, stat for 5 seconds... finished.

=== Active Threads =================================================================

 samples | avg_threads | comm              | state                   | syscall    
     614 |        6.14 | (connection)      | Disk (Uninterruptible)  | pread64      
     242 |        2.42 | (connection)      | Running (ON CPU)        | [running]    
      90 |        0.90 | (ib_log_flush)    | Disk (Uninterruptible)  | fsync        
      64 |        0.64 | (ib_log_writer)   | Disk (Uninterruptible)  | pwrite64     
      43 |        0.43 | (connection)      | Disk (Uninterruptible)  | fdatasync    
      42 |        0.42 | (connection)      | Disk (Uninterruptible)  | [running]    
      42 |        0.42 | (connection)      | Running (ON CPU)        | pread64      
      42 |        0.42 | (ib_pg_flush-*)   | Disk (Uninterruptible)  | pwrite64     
      42 |        0.42 | (ib_srv_wkr-*)    | Disk (Uninterruptible)  | pread64      
      16 |        0.16 | (connection)      | Disk (Uninterruptible)  | pwrite64     
      16 |        0.16 | (ib_srv_purge)    | Disk (Uninterruptible)  | pread64      
      15 |        0.15 | (connection)      | Running (ON CPU)        | futex        
      13 |        0.13 | (connection)      | Running (ON CPU)        | ppoll        
      11 |        0.11 | (ib_pg_flush_co)  | Disk (Uninterruptible)  | pwrite64     
       9 |        0.09 | (ib_srv_wkr-*)    | Running (ON CPU)        | [running]    
       7 |        0.07 | (ib_srv_wkr-*)    | Running (ON CPU)        | pread64      
       5 |        0.05 | (ib_io_rd-*)      | Running (ON CPU)        | io_getevents 
       4 |        0.04 | (ib_pg_flush-*)   | Running (ON CPU)        | [running]    
       3 |        0.03 | (ib_io_rd-*)      | Running (ON CPU)        | [running]    
       3 |        0.03 | (ib_log_flush)    | Disk (Uninterruptible)  | [running]    
       3 |        0.03 | (ib_log_flush)    | Running (ON CPU)        | fsync        

We see lots of threads spending their time in system calls like pread64, pwrite64, fsync and fdatasync. These syscalls are simple enough and take just one file descriptor as the first argument, thus psn can walk the /proc filesystem further and report the filenames involved. I’m using the filenamesum (not filename) option to strip out digits in directory and file names - to get a more terse summary on my screen (scroll right to see the filename output):

$ sudo psn -p mysql -G syscall,filenamesum

Linux Process Snapper v1.1.0 by Tanel Poder []
Sampling /proc/syscall, stat for 5 seconds... finished.

=== Active Threads ======================================================================================================

 samples | avg_threads | comm              | state                  | syscall         | filenamesum                      
     671 |        6.71 | (connection)      | Disk (Uninterruptible) | pread64         | /data*/mysql/sbtest/sbtest*.ibd  
     235 |        2.35 | (connection)      | Running (ON CPU)       | [running]       |                                  
      90 |        0.90 | (ib_log_flush)    | Disk (Uninterruptible) | fsync           | /data*/mysql/ib_logfile*         
      69 |        0.69 | (ib_log_writer)   | Disk (Uninterruptible) | pwrite64        | /data*/mysql/ib_logfile*        
      47 |        0.47 | (ib_srv_wkr-*)    | Disk (Uninterruptible) | pread64         | /data*/mysql/sbtest/sbtest*.ibd  
      44 |        0.44 | (connection)      | Disk (Uninterruptible) | fdatasync       | /data*/mysql/binlog.*            
      33 |        0.33 | (ib_pg_flush-*)   | Disk (Uninterruptible) | pwrite64        | /data*/mysql/#ib_*_*.dblwr       
      19 |        0.19 | (connection)      | Running (ON CPU)       | pread64         | /data*/mysql/sbtest/sbtest*.ibd  
      17 |        0.17 | (connection)      | Disk (Uninterruptible) | [running]       |                                  
      15 |        0.15 | (connection)      | Running (ON CPU)       | futex           |                                  
      15 |        0.15 | (connection)      | Running (ON CPU)       | ppoll           |                                  
      14 |        0.14 | (connection)      | Disk (Uninterruptible) | pwrite64        | /data*/mysql/#ib_*_*.dblwr       
      14 |        0.14 | (ib_pg_flush_co)  | Disk (Uninterruptible) | pwrite64        | /data*/mysql/#ib_*_*.dblwr       
      14 |        0.14 | (ib_srv_purge)    | Disk (Uninterruptible) | pread64         | /data*/mysql/sbtest/sbtest*.ibd  

So, at the OS level you can now see the MySQL thread name (purpose) and what it is trying to do in the kernel (syscall, filename name (purpose).

But that’s not all, you can also see what are your MySQL threads doing inside the kernel (wchan, kstack). You can measure how much time your threads are spending in the kernel submitting I/O or waiting for already submitted I/O to complete. Or, not even getting to submitting the I/O yet as they got stuck in the kernel somewhere (waiting for an inode lock or a previous filesystem journal sync, etc):

$ sudo psn -p mysql -G syscall,wchan,kstack

Linux Process Snapper v1.1.0 by Tanel Poder []
Sampling /proc/syscall, stat, wchan, stack for 5 seconds... finished.

=== Active Threads =============================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================

 samples | avg_threads | comm              | state                  | syscall      | wchan                              | kstack                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                
     428 |        4.28 | (connection)      | Disk (Uninterruptible) | pread64      | __iomap_dio_rw                     | __x64_sys_pread64()->ksys_pread64()->vfs_read()->__vfs_read()->new_sync_read()->xfs_file_read_iter()->xfs_file_dio_aio_read()->iomap_dio_rw()->__iomap_dio_rw()                                                                                                                       
     138 |        1.38 | (connection)      | Running (ON CPU)       | [running]    | 0                                  | -                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     
      64 |        0.64 | (ib_log_flush)    | Disk (Uninterruptible) | fsync        | __xfs_log_force_lsn.isra.26        | __x64_sys_fsync()->do_fsync()->vfs_fsync_range()->xfs_file_fsync()->xfs_log_force_lsn()->__xfs_log_force_lsn.isra.26()                                                                                                                                                                
      34 |        0.34 | (connection)      | Disk (Uninterruptible) | fdatasync    | __xfs_log_force_lsn.isra.26        | __x64_sys_fdatasync()->do_fsync()->vfs_fsync_range()->xfs_file_fsync()->xfs_log_force_lsn()->__xfs_log_force_lsn.isra.26()                                                                                                                                                            
      33 |        0.33 | (ib_srv_wkr-*)    | Disk (Uninterruptible) | pread64      | __iomap_dio_rw                     | __x64_sys_pread64()->ksys_pread64()->vfs_read()->__vfs_read()->new_sync_read()->xfs_file_read_iter()->xfs_file_dio_aio_read()->iomap_dio_rw()->__iomap_dio_rw()                                                                                                                       
      32 |        0.32 | (ib_log_writer)   | Disk (Uninterruptible) | pwrite64     | rwsem_down_write_slowpath          | __x64_sys_pwrite64()->ksys_pwrite64()->vfs_write()->__vfs_write()->new_sync_write()->xfs_file_write_iter()->xfs_file_buffered_aio_write()->xfs_file_aio_write_checks()->file_modified()->file_update_time()->xfs_vn_update_time()->xfs_ilock()->rwsem_down_write_slowpath()           
      31 |        0.31 | (ib_log_writer)   | Disk (Uninterruptible) | pwrite64     | rwsem_down_write_slowpath          | __x64_sys_pwrite64()->ksys_pwrite64()->vfs_write()->__vfs_write()->new_sync_write()->xfs_file_write_iter()->xfs_file_buffered_aio_write()->iomap_file_buffered_write()->iomap_apply()->xfs_file_iomap_begin()->xfs_file_iomap_begin_delay()->xfs_ilock()->rwsem_down_write_slowpath() 
      26 |        0.26 | (connection)      | Disk (Uninterruptible) | pread64      | 0                                  | -                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     
      26 |        0.26 | (connection)      | Running (ON CPU)       | [running]    | __iomap_dio_rw                     | __x64_sys_pread64()->ksys_pread64()->vfs_read()->__vfs_read()->new_sync_read()->xfs_file_read_iter()->xfs_file_dio_aio_read()->iomap_dio_rw()->__iomap_dio_rw()                                                                                                                       
      22 |        0.22 | (ib_pg_flush-*)   | Disk (Uninterruptible) | pwrite64     | __iomap_dio_rw                     | __x64_sys_pwrite64()->ksys_pwrite64()->vfs_write()->__vfs_write()->new_sync_write()->xfs_file_write_iter()->xfs_file_dio_aio_write()->iomap_dio_rw()->__iomap_dio_rw()                                                                                                                
      21 |        0.21 | (connection)      | Running (ON CPU)       | pread64      | 0                                  | -                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     
      14 |        0.14 | (connection)      | Running (ON CPU)       | [running]    | poll_schedule_timeout.constprop.13 | -                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     
      13 |        0.13 | (connection)      | Disk (Uninterruptible) | [running]    | __iomap_dio_rw                     | __x64_sys_pread64()->ksys_pread64()->vfs_read()->__vfs_read()->new_sync_read()->xfs_file_read_iter()->xfs_file_dio_aio_read()->iomap_dio_rw()->__iomap_dio_rw()                                                                                                                       
      13 |        0.13 | (connection)      | Running (ON CPU)       | [running]    | 0                                  | __x64_sys_ppoll()->do_sys_poll()->poll_schedule_timeout.constprop.13()                                                                                                                                                                                                                
      13 |        0.13 | (ib_log_flush)    | Disk (Uninterruptible) | fsync        | wait_on_page_bit                   | __x64_sys_fsync()->do_fsync()->vfs_fsync_range()->xfs_file_fsync()->file_write_and_wait_range()->__filemap_fdatawait_range()->wait_on_page_writeback()->wait_on_page_bit()                                                                                                            
      12 |        0.12 | (ib_srv_purge)    | Disk (Uninterruptible) | pread64      | __iomap_dio_rw                     | __x64_sys_pread64()->ksys_pread64()->vfs_read()->__vfs_read()->new_sync_read()->xfs_file_read_iter()->xfs_file_dio_aio_read()->iomap_dio_rw()->__iomap_dio_rw()                                                                                                                       
      11 |        0.11 | (connection)      | Disk (Uninterruptible) | fdatasync    | wait_on_page_bit                   | __x64_sys_fdatasync()->do_fsync()->vfs_fsync_range()->xfs_file_fsync()->file_write_and_wait_range()->__filemap_fdatawait_range()->wait_on_page_writeback()->wait_on_page_bit()                                                                                                        
      11 |        0.11 | (ib_log_flush)    | Disk (Uninterruptible) | fsync        | xlog_wait                          | __x64_sys_fsync()->do_fsync()->vfs_fsync_range()->xfs_file_fsync()->xfs_log_force_lsn()->__xfs_log_force_lsn.isra.26()->xlog_wait()                                                                                                                                                   

Scroll the above output all the way to the right to see the full stack trace of your MySQL threads that are working (or stuck) inside Linux kernel for one reason or another. The stack trace tells you the story of how you got there!

Ok, that’s all for today!

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