Traveling, Speaking, Training, Gluent and What I'm Up To (2019)


Miami 🌴

Since moving to Miami last year - following my wife’s professional plans this time - I have greatly reduced the amount of traveling and conferencing in my calendar. Hanging out in airports, planes and hotel rooms half of the time isn’t very productive for deep technical work. Also, Miami is located a bit too far for traveling to Bay Area or West Coast too frequently. And I used to happily fly from Singapore to US & Europe every few weeks a decade ago. Even when walking on crutches!

Update: Since a lot of people on social media started to wish me a quick recovery (thanks!), let me emphasize that this picture was taken about 10 years ago! I just used it for illustrating that I love doing what I do and ain’t no broken leg gonna stop me!

Young Tanel delivering training with a broken leg!

Sitting 19 hours straight in coach, anyone? I don’t think so! I must be getting old… :-)


Gluent has been in a mature enough state for quite a while too, we have a solid team and product, now with all kinds of cloud support, a growing number of enterprise customers (all the way to Fortune 50) and the future direction comes in large part from customer input and requirements.

Since moving to Miami, I’ve “taken off” some of my many hats and gotten back to my roots of doing deep technical work, also thinking about where the world will be going from Gluent’s strategy perspective. We’ve never been big on formal titles at Gluent, but instead of being a mix of co-founder/CEO/product-manager/tech-sales-guy, I’m more like a co-founder/technical advisor at Gluent since last year, working with internal development teams. Our co-founder Kerry Osborne took over the CEO duties - it’s great as he’s built and grown two impressive companies in past (you might have heard about Enkitec?).


I’m not cutting travel & conferencing completely - still need to drink beer with fellow techies after all. I’ll spend the next week in UK & Europe, first hanging out with the Gluent UK team in London and then going to Zurich for the Trivadis Performance Days conference:

It’s an event with awesome speakers (did I just call myself awesome?) and focused entirely on Oracle database performance topics. I spoke at that event last time in 2008 and loved its focus. I’ll deliver two new talks:

The talks’ abstracts are on the conference website. You can still sign up for attendance! Both online & on-site options are available.

I’ll probably do a hacking session or two in coming months, but no more conferences this year. Subscribe to get updates!


This year I’ll do two more online training classes:

I’ll do the next AOT class in Feb 2020:

As usual, all attendees will get personal downloadable video recordings before & after the live online class.


I’m planning to start blogging more regularly again. I have plenty of scripts and techniques to show around Oracle, Linux and application performance topics in general. And naturally there are a few more secret projects that I’m working on, whenever I have idle time (you’ll be first to know ;-)

“See” you soon!

  1. Updated video course material to be announced soon:
    Advanced Oracle SQL Tuning training. Advanced Oracle Troubleshooting training, Linux Performance & Troubleshooting training.
    Check the current versions out here!
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