Oracle SQL Monitoring and Advanced ASH Usage Hacking Sessions!


It’s almost the beginning of September, time to get back to school, everyone!

I recently decided to do my Oracle SQL Tuning and Performance & Troubleshooting training classes again. So I will also run some free hacking sessions for promoting these classes, but also for sharing cool new stuff with people who can’t attend the training and of course for fun too!

The hacking sessions do not follow a formal training structure, have very few or no slides at all, just live demos of putting performance tools & techniques into use!

So, I’m announcing these 2 free hacking sessions first:

Getting the most out of the Oracle SQL Monitoring tool

In this hacking session, I’ll start from the basics of reading an Oracle’s SQL Monitoring report, but then will go into the territory of less known (or appreciated) ways for diagnosing query performance from there. We’ll cover some important things to be aware of before proceeding to optimize SQL execution plans, like whether the query is even bottlenecked by execution time or is just blocked by something else. In this session we won’t actually tune SQL by changing its execution plan, but will look into multiple other factors that affect query performance as the application sees it. So this hacking session will complement your traditional SQL execution plan optimization skills and you’ll learn some secret new features and techniques too ;-)

Getting the most out of ASH with Tanel’s ashtop.sql & ash_wait_chains.sql scripts

In this session I’ll give you an overview of how to use my super-flexible Active Session History scripts like ashtop.sql, ash_wait_chains.sql and probably some more! It looks like I use these scripts more than Snapper nowadays, when troubleshooting production issues, so this should be quite telling! Enough said, webinar details below:

I’ll upload videos of these hacking sessions to my YouTube channel too, some of my previous videos are here too:

“See” you soon!

  1. Updated video course material to be announced soon:
    Advanced Oracle SQL Tuning training. Advanced Oracle Troubleshooting training, Linux Performance & Troubleshooting training.
    Check the current versions out here!
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