Announcing Linux Process Snapper tool and a Linux Troubleshooting Hacking Session (3rd April 9am PDT)


As I’m having fun preparing for my Linux troubleshooting training, I’ll also do another informal hacking session to give you an idea of what’s coming up! This week’s hacking session is deliberately without any slides, planning or much structure, but with lots of fun and … hacking! This session will be about some Linux tools I use for my everyday work and I’ll even publish an early version of a new open source Linux performance tool!


  1. I will announce the new Linux Process Snapper performance tool. Instead of systemwide metric summaries and averages, it samples detailed activity of each Linux process & thread of interest. It is a passive sampling tool, not an active tracing tool (that may unintentionally affect the traced application). It’s open source and there’s gonna be more - it will eventually be like the Oracle Session Snapper I created over 12 years ago, but for anything running on Linux. Looking for alpha testers! :-)

  2. Linux tracing tools that I regularly use. I recently blogged about Linux application troubleshooting with strace, but not strace’s limitations, so we’ll look into a few other practical tracing options too.

  3. Tracing Effect. We’ll examine a couple of scenarios where supposedly invisible tracing alters application behavior (in this case the application is an Oracle Database and the processes are PMON & LGWR).

Date & Time


As usual, I’ll upload the video recordings to See you soon!

  1. Updated video course material to be announced soon:
    Advanced Oracle SQL Tuning training. Advanced Oracle Troubleshooting training, Linux Performance & Troubleshooting training.
    Check the current versions out here!
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