Webinar: Troubleshooting a Complex Oracle Performance Issue


I was recently involved in a discussion around why would a regular Oracle foreground session wait for the log file sequential read wait event. I then realized that I had never published my Hotsos Symposium 2014 talk about a relatively complex (treacherous?) Oracle performance issue involving multiple problems that “collide”. So I decided to run this presentation as a webinar next week + will demo some of my newer related scripts too!

OEM performance spike


Date & Time:


I will post the video to my Performance Tuning & Troubleshooting Youtube channel too!

See you soon!


I’m experimenting with Twitter to see if it’s a good forum for short blog comments & feedback

I'm running an advanced troubleshooting webinar next week: Troubleshooting a Complex Oracle Performance Issue.

It's a case study of a complex problem troubleshooting + useful ASH scripts.

Time: Tuesday Jun 12, 2018 12:00 PM EDT
Register: https://t.co/vrDyjY80Al

See you soon!

— Tanel Poder (@TanelPoder) June 7, 2018

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