Apache Impala Internals Deep Dive with Tanel Poder + Gluent New World Training Month

Tanel Poder


We are running a “Gluent New World training month” in this July and have scheduled 3 webinars on following Wednesdays for this!

The first webinar with Michael Rainey is going to cover modern alternatives to the traditional old-school “ETL on a RDBMS” approach for data integration and sharing. Then on the next Wednesday I will demonstrate some Apache Impala SQL engine’s internals, with commentary from an Oracle database geek’s angle (I plan to get pretty deep & technical). And in the end of the month, a Gluent customer Vistra Energy will talk about their journey towards a modern analytics platforms.

All together this should give a good overview of architectural opportunities that modern enterprise data platforms provide, with some technical Apache Impala hacking thrill too!

Offload, Transform & Present – The New World of Data Integration

Apache Impala Internals with Tanel Poder

Building an Analytics Platform with Oracle & Hadoop

You can see the abstracts and register for the webinars here.

We plan to run more technical sessions about different modern platform components and more customer case studies in the future too. See you soon!

  1. Updated video course material to be announced soon:
    Advanced Oracle SQL Tuning training. Advanced Oracle Troubleshooting training, Linux Performance & Troubleshooting training.
    Check the current versions out here!
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