Despite the title, this is actually a technical post about Oracle, disk I/O and Exadata & Oracle In-Memory Database Option performance. Read on :)
If a car dealer tells you that this fancy new car on display goes 10 times (or 100 or 1000) faster than any of your previous ones, then either the salesman is lying or this new car is doing something radically different from all the old ones. You don’t just get orders of magnitude performance improvements by making small changes.
Perhaps the car bends space around it instead of moving – or perhaps it has a jet engine built on it (like the one below :-) :

Anyway, this blog entry is a prelude to my upcoming Oracle In-Memory Database Option series and here I’ll explain one of the radical differences between the old way of thinking and modern (In-Memory / Smart Scan) thinking that allow such performance improvements.
To set the scope and and clarify what I mean by the “old way of thinking”: I am talking about reporting, analytics and batch workloads here – and the decades old mantra “if you want more speed, use more indexes”.
I’m actually not going to talk about the In-Memory DB option here – but I am going to walk you through the performance numbers of one index range scan. It’s a deliberately simple and synthetic example executed on my laptop, but it should be enough to demonstrate one important point.
Let’s say we have a report that requires me to visit 20% of rows in an orders table and I’m using an index range scan to retrieve these rows (let’s not discuss whether that’s wise or not just yet). First, I’ll give you some background information about the table and index involved.
My test server’s buffer cache is currently about 650 MB:
SQL> show sga Total System Global Area 2147483648 bytes Fixed Size 2926472 bytes Variable Size 369100920 bytes Database Buffers 687865856 bytes Redo Buffers 13848576 bytes In-Memory Area 1073741824 bytes
The table I am accessing is a bit less than 800 MB in size, about 100k blocks:
SQL> @seg soe.orders SEG_MB OWNER SEGMENT_NAME SEGMENT_TYPE BLOCKS ---------- ------ ------------- ------------- -------- 793 SOE ORDERS TABLE 101504
I have removed some irrelevant output from the output below, I will be using the ORD_WAREHOUSE_IX index for my demo:
SQL> @ind soe.orders Display indexes where table or index name matches %soe.orders%... TABLE_OWNER TABLE_NAME INDEX_NAME POS# COLUMN_NAME DSC ------------ ----------- ------------------ ---- --------------- ---- SOE ORDERS ORDER_PK 1 ORDER_ID ORD_WAREHOUSE_IX 1 WAREHOUSE_ID 2 ORDER_STATUS INDEX_OWNER TABLE_NAME INDEX_NAME IDXTYPE UNIQ STATUS PART TEMP H LFBLKS NDK NUM_ROWS CLUF LAST_ANALYZED DEGREE VISIBILIT ------------ ----------- ----------------- ---------- ---- -------- ---- ---- -- ------- --------- ---------- --------- ----------------- ------ --------- SOE ORDERS ORDER_PK NORMAL/REV YES VALID NO N 3 15801 7148950 7148950 7148948 20140913 16:17:29 16 VISIBLE ORDERS ORD_WAREHOUSE_IX NORMAL NO VALID NO N 3 17860 8685 7148950 7082149 20140913 16:18:03 16 VISIBLE
I am going to do an index range scan on the WAREHOUSE_ID column:
SQL> @descxx soe.orders Col# Column Name Null? Type NUM_DISTINCT Density NUM_NULLS HISTOGRAM NUM_BUCKETS Low Value High Value ---- ------------------------------ ---------- ------------------------- ------------ -------------- ---------- --------------- ----------- -------------------------------- -------------------------------- 1 ORDER_ID NOT NULL NUMBER(12,0) 7148950 .00000013988 0 1 1 7148950 ... 9 WAREHOUSE_ID NUMBER(6,0) 999 .00100100100 0 1 1 999 ...
Also, I enabled SQL trace and event 10298 – “ORA-10298: ksfd i/o tracing”, more about that later:
SQL> ALTER SESSION SET EVENTS '10298 trace name context forever, level 1'; Session altered. SQL> EXEC SYS.DBMS_MONITOR.SESSION_TRACE_ENABLE(waits=>TRUE); PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. SQL> SET AUTOTRACE ON STAT
Ok, now we are ready to run the query! (It’s slightly formatted):
SQL> SELECT /*+ MONITOR INDEX(o, o(warehouse_id)) */ SUM(order_total) FROM soe.orders o WHERE warehouse_id BETWEEN 400 AND 599;
Let’s check the basic autotrace figures:
Statistics ---------------------------------------------------------- 0 recursive calls 0 db block gets 1423335 consistent gets 351950 physical reads 0 redo size 347 bytes sent via SQL*Net to client 357 bytes received via SQL*Net from client 2 SQL*Net roundtrips to/from client 0 sorts (memory) 0 sorts (disk) 1 rows processed
What?! We have done 351950 physical reads?! This is 351950 blocks read via physical read operations. This is about 2.7 GB worth of IOs done just for this query! Our entire table size was under 800MB and the index size under 150MB. Shouldn’t indexes allow us to visit less blocks than the table size?!
Let’s dig deeper – by breaking down this IO number by execution plan line (using a SQL Monitoring report in this case):
Global Stats ================================================================ | Elapsed | Cpu | IO | Fetch | Buffer | Read | Read | | Time(s) | Time(s) | Waits(s) | Calls | Gets | Reqs | Bytes | ================================================================ | 48 | 25 | 23 | 1 | 1M | 352K | 3GB | ================================================================ SQL Plan Monitoring Details (Plan Hash Value=16715356) ============================================================================================================================================= | Id | Operation | Name | Execs | Rows | Read | Read | Activity | Activity Detail | | | | | | (Actual) | Reqs | Bytes | (%) | (# samples) | ============================================================================================================================================= | 0 | SELECT STATEMENT | | 1 | 1 | | | | | | 1 | SORT AGGREGATE | | 1 | 1 | | | | | | 2 | TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID BATCHED | ORDERS | 1 | 1M | 348K | 3GB | 96.30 | Cpu (1) | | | | | | | | | | db file parallel read (25) | | 3 | INDEX RANGE SCAN | ORD_WAREHOUSE_IX | 1 | 1M | 3600 | 28MB | 3.70 | db file sequential read (1) | =============================================================================================================================================
So, most of these IOs come from accessing the table (after fetching relevant ROWIDs from the index). 96% of response time of this query was also spent in that table access line. We have done about ~348 000 IO requests for fetching blocks from this table. This is over 3x more blocks than the entire table size! So we must be re-reading some blocks from disk again and again for some reason.
Let’s confirm if we are having re-reads. This is why I enabled the SQL trace and event 10298. I can just post-process the tracefile and see if IO operations with the same file# and block# combination do show up.
However, using just SQL trace isn’t enough because multiblock read wait events don’t show all blocks read (you’d have to infer this from the starting block# and count#), the “db file parallel read” doesn’t show any block#/file# info at all in SQL Trace (as this “vector read” wait event encompasses multiple different block reads under a single wait event).
The classic single block read has the file#/block# info:
WAIT #139789045903344: nam='db file sequential read' ela= 448 file#=2 block#=1182073 blocks=1 obj#=93732 tim=156953721029
The parallel read wait events don’t have individual file#/block# info (just total number of files/blocks involved):
WAIT #139789045903344: nam='db file parallel read' ela= 7558 files=1 blocks=127 requests=127 obj#=93696 tim=156953729450
Anyway, because we had plenty of db file parallel read waits that don’t show all the detail in SQL Trace, I also enabled the event 10298 that gives us following details below (only tiny excerpt below):
... ksfd_osdrqfil:fob=0xce726160 bufp=0xbd2be000 blkno=1119019 nbyt=8192 flags=0x4 ksfdbio:rq=0x7f232c4edb00 fob=0xce726160 aiopend=126 ksfd_osdrqfil:fob=0xce726160 bufp=0x9e61a000 blkno=1120039 nbyt=8192 flags=0x4 ksfdbio:rq=0x7f232c4edd80 fob=0xce726160 aiopend=127 ksfdwtio:count=127 aioflags=0x500 timeout=2147483647 posted=(nil) ... ksfdchkio:ksfdrq=0x7f232c4edb00 completed=1 ksfdchkio:ksfdrq=0x7f232c4edd80 completed=0 WAIT #139789045903344: nam='db file parallel read' ela= 6872 files=1 blocks=127 requests=127 obj#=93696 tim=156953739197
So, on Oracle on Linux x86_64 with xfs filesystem with async IO enabled and filesystemio_options = SETALL we get the “ksfd_osdrqfil” trace entries to show us the block# Oracle read from a datafile. It doesn’t show the file# itself, but it shows the accessed file state object address (FOB) in SGA and as it was always the same in the tracefile, I know duplicate block numbers listed in trace would be for the same datafile (and not for a block with the same block# in some other datafile). And the tablespace I used for my test had a single datafile anyway.
Anyway, I wrote a simple script to summarize whether there were any disk re-reads in this tracefile (of a select statement):
$ grep ^ksfd_osdrqfil LIN121_ora_11406.trc | awk '{ print $3 }' | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr | head -20 10 blkno=348827 10 blkno=317708 9 blkno=90493 9 blkno=90476 9 blkno=85171 9 blkno=82023 9 blkno=81014 9 blkno=80954 9 blkno=74703 9 blkno=65222 9 blkno=63899 9 blkno=62977 9 blkno=62488 9 blkno=59663 9 blkno=557215 9 blkno=556581 9 blkno=555412 9 blkno=555357 9 blkno=554070 9 blkno=551593 ...
Indeed! The “worst” blocks have been read in 10 times – all that for a single query execution.
I only showed 20 top blocks here, but even when I used “head -10000” and “head -50000” above, I still saw blocks that had been read in to buffer cache 8 and 4 times respectively.
Looking into earlier autotrace metrics, my simple index range scan query did read in over 3x more blocks than the total table and index size combined (~350k blocks read while the table had only 100k blocks)! Some blocks have gotten kicked out from buffer cache and have been re-read back into cache later, multiple times.
Hmm, let’s think further: We are accessing only about 20% of a 800 MB table + 150 MB index, so the “working set” of datablocks used by my query should be well less than my 650 MB buffer cache, right? And as I am the only user in this database, everything should nicely fit and stay in buffer cache, right?
Actually, both of the arguments above are flawed:
- Accessing 20% of rows in a table doesn’t automatically mean that we need to visit only 20% blocks of that table! Maybe all of the tables’s blocks contain a few of the rows this index range scan needs? So we might need to visit all of that table’s blocks (or most of them) and extract only a few matching rows from each block. But nevertheless, the “working set” of required blocks for this query would include almost all of the table blocks, not only 20%. We must read all of them in at some point in the range scan.So, the matching rows in table blocks are not tightly packed and physically in correspondence with the index range scan’s table access driving order, but are potentially “randomly” scattered all over the table.This means that an index range scan may come back and access some data block again and again to get a yet-another row from it when the ROWID entries in index leaf blocks point there. This is what I call buffer re-visits. (Now scroll back up and see what is that index’es clustering factor :-)
- _So what, all the buffer re-visits should be really fast as the previously read block is going to be in buffer cache, right?_Well, not really. Especially when the working set of blocks read is bigger than buffer cache. But even if it is smaller, the Oracle buffer cache isn’t managed using basic LRU replacement logic (since 8.1.6). New blocks that get read in to buffer cache will be put into the middle of the “LRU” list and they work their way up to the “hot” end only if they are touched enough times before someone manages to flush them out. So even if you are a single user of the buffer cache, there’s a chance that some just recently read blocks get aged out from buffer cache – by the same query still running – before they get hot enough. And this means that your next buffer re-visit may turn into a disk block re-read that we saw in the tracefiles.If you combine this with the reality of production systems where there’s a thousand more users trying to do what you’re doing, at the same time, it becomes clear that you’ll be able to use only a small portion of the total buffer cache for your needs. This is why people sometimes configure KEEP pools – not that the KEEP pool is somehow able to keep more blocks in memory for longer per GB of RAM, but simply for segregating the less important troublemakers from more important… troublemakers :)
So what’s my point here – in the context of this blog post’s title?
Let’s start from Exadata – over the last years it has given many customers order(s) of magnitude better analytics, reporting and batch performance compared to their old systems, if done right of course. In other words, instead of indexing even more, performing wide index range scans with millions of random block reads _and re-reads, _they ditched many indexes and started doing full table scans. Full table scans do not have such “scaling problems” like a wide index range scan (or a “wide” nested loop join driving access to another table). In addition you got all the cool stuff that goes really well with full scans – multiblock reads, deep prefetching, partition-wise hash joins, partition pruning and of course all the throughput and Smart Scan magic on Exadata).
An untuned complex SQL on a complex schema with lots of non-ideal indexes may end up causing a lot of “waste IO” (don’t have a better term) and similarly CPU usage too. And often it’s not simple to actually fix the query – as it may end up needing a significant schema adjustment/redesign that would require also changing the application code in many different places (ain’t gonna happen). With defaulting reporting to full table scans, you can actually eliminate a lot of such waste, assuming that you have a high-througput – and ideally smart – IO subsystem. (Yes, there are always exceptions and special cases).
We had a customer who had a reporting job that ran almost 2000x faster after moving to Exadata (from 17 hours to 30 seconds or something like that). Their first reaction was: “It didn’t run!” Indeed it did run and it ran correctly. Such radical improvement came from the fact that the new system – compared to the old system – was doing multiple things radically better. It wasn’t just an incremental tweak of adding a hint or a yet another index without daring to do more significant changes.
In this post I demoed just one of the problems that’s plaguing many of the old-school Oracle DW and reporting systems. While favoring full table scanning had always been counterintuitive for most Oracle shops out there, it was the Exadata’s hardware, software and also the geek-excitement surrounding it, what allowed customers to take the leap and switch from the old mindset to new. I expect the same from the Oracle In-Memory Database Option. More about this in a following post.