Getting the Most Out of ASH online seminar

Tanel Poder


Just a little reminder – next week (10-11th June) I’ll be delivering my last training session before autumn – a short 1-day (2 x 0.5 days actually) seminar about Getting the Most Out of Oracle’s Active Session History. In the future it will act as sort of a prequel (or preparation) for my Advanced Oracle Troubleshooting class, as the latter one deliberately goes very deep. The ASH seminar’s 1st half is actually mostly about the GUI way of troubleshooting the usual performance problems (EM/Grid Control) and the 2nd half is about all my ASH scripts for diagnosing more complex stuff.

P.S. I’ll also have multiple very cool news in a few months ;-)

  1. Updated video course material to be announced soon:
    Advanced Oracle SQL Tuning training. Advanced Oracle Troubleshooting training, Linux Performance & Troubleshooting training.
    Check the current versions out here!
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