The limitations of CURSOR_SHARING = FORCE and FORCE_MATCHING_SIGNATURE for SQL plan stability

Tanel Poder


It’s a well known fact that the cursor_sharing parameter can be set to FORCE for making Oracle replace any literals with system-generated bind variable placeholders and then calculating the SQL hash value for looking up an existing cursor in library cache. This should reduce the amount of hard parsing and shared pool garbage.

Also, the same mechanism (of replacing literal values with bind variable placeholders before calculating the SQL hash value for library cache lookup) can be used for enforcing a SQL profile for SQL statements which differ by literal values in them. You just accept a SQL profile using DBMS_SQLTUNE.ACCEPT_PROFILE( …, FORCE_MATCH=>TRUE).

However this “force matching” has one limitation which can make it almost useless for achieving plan stability in databases where the applications use dynamically generated SQL.

Here’s an example – I’m just setting up my sqlplus environment, set cursor_sharing = FORCE (which is not needed for DBMS_SQLTUNE’s FORCE_MATCH by the way, I’m just doing it for displaying the “new” SQL text used for hash value computation):

SQL> COL force_matching_signature FOR 99999999999999999999999999
SQL> COL sql_text FOR A100
SQL> ALTER SESSION SET cursor_sharing = FORCE;

Session altered.

SQL> SELECT * FROM dual WHERE rownum IN (1,2,3);


And now I’ll query V$SQL to see what the actual SQL text looks like (and its related hash values):

SQL> SELECT sql_id,hash_value,force_matching_signature,sql_text FROM v$sql WHERE sql_id = (SELECT prev_sql_id FROM v$session WHERE sid = USERENV('SID'));

------------- ---------- --------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
fqcq5k1wd4d4h 2027041936 1308158718700150644 SELECT * FROM dual WHERE rownum IN (:"SYS_B_0",:"SYS_B_1",:"SYS_B_2")

Scroll right to see how the literal values 1,2,3 have been replaced with :SYS_B_x bind variables in SQL text. The SQL hash value (and SQL_ID and force_matching_signature) are calculated after this replacement was done.

So, now I’ll run a similar statement with just different literal values:

SQL> SELECT * FROM dual WHERE rownum IN (999,888,777);

no rows selected

SQL> SELECT sql_id,hash_value,force_matching_signature,sql_text FROM v$sql WHERE sql_id = (SELECT prev_sql_id FROM v$session WHERE sid = USERENV('SID'));

------------- ---------- --------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
fqcq5k1wd4d4h 2027041936 1308158718700150644 SELECT * FROM dual WHERE rownum IN (:"SYS_B_0",:"SYS_B_1",:"SYS_B_2")

See, different literal values (999,888,777), but as they got replaced with exactly the same number of bind variables (in the same order), the resulting SQL text is exactly the same – therefore the SQL text hash values are also exactly the same as you see above.

So this is how these features work – the literal values are replaced in SQL text string just before calculating the hash value for library cache lookup.

However, let’s run one more query, this time with 4 literal values instead of 3:

SQL> SELECT * FROM dual WHERE rownum IN (999,888,777,666);

no rows selected

SQL> SELECT sql_id,hash_value,force_matching_signature,sql_text FROM v$sql WHERE sql_id = (SELECT prev_sql_id FROM v$session WHERE sid = USERENV('SID'));

------------- ---------- --------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8btxq8q6avt6b 2360206539 15602626316910109322 SELECT * FROM dual WHERE rownum IN (:"SYS_B_0",:"SYS_B_1",:"SYS_B_2",:"SYS_B_3")

Now as we used 4 literals (999,888,777,666), they got replaced by 4 bind variables in the SQL text (as opposed to 3 in earlier queries) and thanks to that the resulting SQL text is different! Therefore the hash values will also be different and anything that’s matching/looking up cursors based on SQL text hash value, won’t find the previous query plan anymore. Note that the force_matching_signature is also different from previous thanks to this. So, a new hard parse and library cache load would be done for this cursor – and also any SQL Profile used with first 2 queries with FORCE_MATCH = TRUE would not be applicable to this new query – simply because it can’t find a profile matching the new force_matching_signature.

Now you might say who cares, I’ll just create a profile for this query with 4 literal values in the inlist and we are done. Yes true, but now you’d only have a profile for the query with 3 and 4 inlist values. Often in data warehouses, reporting environments and also in some OLTP systems, the developers are using dynamically generated in-lists extensively. By now I have seen queries with tens of thousands of literal values in  inlists (using OR concatenation to work around the _ORA-01795: maximum number of expressions in a list is 1000 _error). There’s also a bug in MOS about someone’s query failing with 60 000 bind variables in it! :)

So if you have a dynamically generated query with multiple IN-lists used for filtering different tables and the number of items in each inlist fluctuates anywhere between 1 and tens of thousands, you may end up with a very large number of possible combinations – and each of such combinations of inlist item counts would have its own force_matching_signature. Thus even if you think you have fixed your plans with a force matching profile, some day you will hit a yet another combination and have to reactively fix that “new” query again.

So what can you do in such case? (other than making sure that your schema, code, stats and configuration is good enough so that the CBO would come up with good plans for new queries by itself). Well, don’t use such dynamically generated inlist strings!

Instead of dynamically generating an inlist string with 10000 literal values (or binds), you can just create an array of these values in your application side and bind that entire array to your query as a single bind variable. So regardless of how many values you have to pass in to this in-list, they would all be still stored in a single bind variable, leaving the SQL hash values & force_matching_signature the same. PL/SQL supports it, OCI-based tools support it, Oracle’s JDBC supports it (and probably ODP.NET too). So there’s no excuse not to use it :)

I didn’t find my own demo code anymore, so I googled for a quick example in Java – If you do have your own code examples, feel free to post links to these into comments.

There are other working, but less clean options, like passing in a comma separated string as a single bind variable (either as VARCHAR2 or even a CLOB) and then using a string tokenizer function in the inlist to break this into individual values) or even always inserting the inlist items into a GTT and then joining it to the main query block (this could be useful if you have millions of inlist values and you don’t want to use too much of private memory used for storing bind values and PL/SQL arrays).

There’s possible one challenge though – the CBO’s cardinality estimates for such array-based inlists may be incorrect, so some adjustment might be needed either via the cardinality hint or a SQL profile or a variety of other means :)

Update: Karen Morton has written about another limitation of force_matching_signature. IIRC this used to be a bug, but apparently now it’s documented, so it’s a new feature :)

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