A lot of people have asked me whether there’s some sort of index or “table of contents” of my TPT scripts (there’s over 1000 in my TPT script repo right now).
I have planned to create such index for years, but never got to it. I probably never will :) So a good way to extract the descriptions of some scripts is to just grep
for Purpose: in the scripts directory:
grep -i Purpose: ash/*.sql awr/*.sql *.sql | awk -F: '{ printf("%20s %-50s\n", $1, $3) }'
Here’s the output (currently only 10% of the scripts out of about 1000 have a purpose declared):
$ grep -i Purpose: ash/*.sql awr/*.sql *.sql | awk -F: '{ printf("%20s %-50s\n", $1, $3) }'
ash/ash_wait_chains.sql Display ASH wait chains (multi-session wait signature, a session
ash/ashtop.sql Display top ASH time (count of ASH samples) grouped by your
ash/asqlmon.sql Report SQL-monitoring-style drill-down into where in an execution plan the execution time is spent
ash/bash_wait_chains.sql Display ASH wait chains (multi-session wait signature, a session
ash/bashtop.sql Display top ASH time (count of ASH samples) grouped by your
ash/daplanline.sql Report response time consumption data from DBA_HIST_ACTIVE_SESS_HISTORY
ash/dash_wait_chains.sql Display ASH wait chains (multi-session wait signature, a session
ash/dashtop.sql Display top ASH time (count of ASH samples) grouped by your
ash/dasqlmon.sql Report SQL-monitoring-style drill-down into where in an execution plan the execution time is spent
ash/devent_hist.sql Display wait event duration histogram from DBA_HIST_ACTIVE_SESS_HISTORY
ash/rowsource_events.sql Display top ASH time (count of ASH samples) grouped by
ashtop.sql Display top ASH time (count of ASH samples) grouped by your
bhla.sql Report which blocks are in buffer cache, protected by a cache
bufprof.sql Display buffer gets done by a session and their reason
calc.sql Basic calculator and dec/hex converter
cancel.sql Generates commands for canceling selected sessions
channels.sql Report KSR channel message counts by channel endpoints
channels2.sql Report KSR channel message counts by channel endpoints
channels3.sql Report KSR channel message counts by channel endpoints
curheaps.sql Show main cursor data block heap sizes and their contents
dba.sql Convert Data Block Address (a 6 byte hex number) to file#, block#
ddl.sql Extracts DDL statements for specified objects
df.sql Show Oracle tablespace free space in Unix df style
dfm.sql Show Oracle tablespace free space in Unix df style
diag_sid.sql Display current Session Wait info
diag_sid.sql An easy to use Oracle session-level performance snapshot utility
disco.sql Generates commands for disconnecting selected sessions
fcha.sql Find in which heap (UGA, PGA or Shared Pool) a memory address resides
getplusparm.sql get sqlplus parameter value (such linesize, pagesize, sqlcode,
getprev.sql Get previously executed SQL ID, child number and other details into sqlplus variables for further use
grpn.sql Quick group by query for aggregating Numeric columns
hash.sql Show the hash value, SQL_ID and child number of previously
hinth.sql Display the areas / features in Oracle kernel that a hint affects
i.sql the Who am I script (also sets terminal title)
i2h.sql Advanced Oracle Troubleshooting Seminar demo script
imu.sql Display In-Memory Undo (IMU) buffer usage
init.sql Initializes sqlplus variables for 156 character terminal width and other settings.
kglbroken.sql Report broken kgl locks for an object this can be used for
kill.sql Generates commands for killing selected sessions
killi.sql Generates commands for killing selected sessions
la.sql Show which latch occupies a given memory address and its stats
lastchanged.sql Detect when a datablock in table was last changed
latchprof.sql Perform high-frequency sampling on V$LATCHHOLDER
latchprof_old.sql Perform high-frequency sampling on V$LATCHHOLDER
latchprofx.sql Perform high-frequency sampling on V$LATCHHOLDER
lh.sql Show latch holding SIDs and latch details from V$LATCHHOLDER
lhp.sql Perform high-frequency sampling on V$LATCHHOLDER
lhpx.sql Perform high-frequency sampling on V$LATCHHOLDER
lotshparses.sql Generate Lots of hard parses and shared pool activity
lotshparses2.sql Generate Lots of hard parses and shared pool activity
lotshparses3.sql Generate Lots of hard parses and shared pool activity
lotslios.sql Generate Lots of Logical IOs for testing purposes
lotspios.sql Generate Lots of Physical IOs for testing purposes
lotssparses.sql Generate Lots of soft parses and library cache/mutex activity
lotssparses2.sql Generate Lots of soft parses and library cache/mutex activity
measure_io.sql Measure IO reasons and "sizes" from v$iostat_function_detail
mutexprof.sql Display KGX mutex sleep history from v$mutex_sleep_history
nonshared.sql Print reasons for non-shared child cursors from v$sql_shared_cursor
nonshared2.sql Show the reasons why more child cursors were created instead of
nonsharedsum_html.sql Print reasons for non-shared child cursors from v$sql_shared_cursor
ostackprof.sql Take target process stack samples and show an execution profile
pmem.sql Show process memory usage breakdown - lookup by process SPID
pmem_detail.sql Show process memory usage breakdown details - lookup by process SPID
prefetch.sql Show KCB layer prefetch
pvalid.sql Show valid parameter values from V$PARAMETER_VALID_VALUES
px.sql Report Pararallel Execution SQL globally in a RAC instance
rowcache.sql Show parent rowcache entries mathcing an object name
rs.sql Display available Redo Strands
s.sql Display current Session Wait and SQL_ID info (10g+)
sample.sql Sample any V$ view or X$ table and display aggregated results
sampleaddr.sql High-frequency sampling of contents of a SGA memory address
ses.sql Display Session statistics for given sessions, filter by
ses2.sql Display Session statistics for given sessions, filter by
sgastatx.sql Show shared pool stats by sub-pool from X$KSMSS
smem.sql Show process memory usage breakdown - lookup by session ID
smem_detail.sql Show process memory usage breakdown details - lookup by session ID
snapper.sql An easy to use Oracle session-level performance measurement tool
snapper3.sql An easy to use Oracle session-level performance measurement tool
snapper_v1.sql An easy to use Oracle session-level performance snapshot utility
snapper_v2.sql An easy to use Oracle session-level performance snapshot utility
sqlfh.sql Display the full SQL Feature Hieararchy from v$sql_feature
sqlflame.sql Demo script for displaying execution plan profile as a flame chart
sqlidx.sql A temporary script/hack to display exadata-specific metrics along normal SQL stuff from V$SQL
sqlmon.sql Spool a SQL Monitoring report to a local HTML file and open it
sqlmon_restarts.sql List UPDATE/DELETE statements that have experienced restarts due to write consistency from V$SQL_PLAN_MONITOR
sqlmoni.sql Spool a SQL Monitoring report to a local HTML file and open it
stat.sql Execute SQL statement in script argument and report basic
sw.sql Display current Session Wait info
sw2.sql Display current Session Wait info
swg.sql Display given Session Wait info grouped by state and event
swo.sql Display current Session Wait info
topsql.sql Show TOP SQL ordered by user-provided criteria
usql.sql Show another session's SQL directly from library cache
usqlx.sql Show another session's SQL directly from library cache
waitprof.sql Sample V$SESSION_WAIT at high frequency and show resulting
wrka.sql List SQL workarea memory usage details at session/workarea level.
wrkasum.sql Show a summary of SQL workareas grouped by operation type (SORT, HASH, etc)
xb.sql Explain a SQL statements execution plan with execution
xbi.sql Explain a SQL statements execution plan with execution
xde2.sql Describe X$ tables, column offsets and report indexed fixed table
xm.sql Explain a SQL statements execution plan directly from library cache
xma.sql Explain a SQL statements execution plan directly from library cache
xmai.sql Explain a SQL statements execution plan with execution
xms.sql Explain your last SQL statements execution plan with execution
xmsh.sql Explain a SQL statements execution plan with execution
xmsi.sql Explain a SQL statements execution plan with execution