Oracle Troubleshooting: How to read Oracle ERRORSTACK output?!

Tanel Poder


I have written the first article to the troubleshooting section of my new website

It’s about a very valuable Oracle troubleshooting tool -> ERRORSTACK trace.

I cover 4 frequently asked questions there:

  1. Reading the current executing SQL statement text from errorstack trace
  2. Reading the current executing PL/SQL package and PL/SQL source code line number from errorstack trace
  3. Reading the current bind variable values from errostack trace
  4. Identifying how much private (UGA) memory a cursor is using

You can read it here:

By the way, if you like my new website, feel free to link to it !!! ;-)

  1. Updated video course material to be announced soon:
    Advanced Oracle SQL Tuning training. Advanced Oracle Troubleshooting training, Linux Performance & Troubleshooting training.
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