I’m an Oracle ACE Director now :)

Tanel Poder


Many people have asked me that how come I’m not an Oracle ACE yet. From this week I am an Oracle ACE Director.

Here’s a link to my profile.

Its pretty big honor to be recognized by Oracle Corp at such high level.

I started working with Oracle software in 1997 and got really interested in that stuff after realizing how powerful the database was and how complex some internal details could be. Lots of opportunities to learn and learn I did!

I have been an Oracle Certified Master DBA for almost seven years now ( I took the exam in 2002 ). This is the highest certificate of technical skill Oracle gives out.

I’m also an OakTable Network member since 2004. In my eyes this is the highest recognition by industry peers an Oracle specialist can get. I’m very honored to be part of the team, not only because of the kick-ass knowledge everybody there has, but every member I’ve personally met is actually a cool person!

So, I think Oracle ACE status nicely completes the previous two “credentials” I had (and worked hard for!!!), OCM is the official technical skill recognition by Oracle, OakTable membership is the industry peer recognition and now the ACE director is Oracle’s recognition for my contributions so far.

I’d like to say thanks to Porus Havewala who recommended me for the ACE director program. Check out his blog if you’re interested in Enterprise Manager & such, he’s a Grid Control expert ( http://enterprise-manager.blogspot.com )

Ok, enough of ego-tripping for this year, back to work. I have a mutex contention troubleshooting article to finish ;-)

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