Snapper shortcut

Tanel Poder


I have a (very) small script called sn.sql which I use as a wrapper around snapper (maybe I should’ve called it Snapper Wrapper but it’s too long name for the purpose :)

The idea is to have to type less when running Snapper with default options (take 1 snapshot, output to screen and display Session tats,Wait events and Time model stats).

Whenever there’s a performance issue with a session I first quickly run @sn , for example:

SQL> @sn 10 106

This takes a 10 second snapshot of session 106 and displays output:

-- Session Snapper v1.07 by Tanel Poder (  )

HEAD,     SID, SNAPSHOT START   ,  SECONDS, TYPE, STATISTIC                               ,         DELTA,  DELTA/SEC,     HDELTA, HDELTA/SEC
DATA,     106, 20080603 06:31:17,       10, TIME, hard parse elapsed time                 ,      10124018,    1012402,     10.12s,      1.01s
DATA,     106, 20080603 06:31:17,       10, TIME, parse time elapsed                      ,      10124018,    1012402,     10.12s,      1.01s
DATA,     106, 20080603 06:31:17,       10, TIME, DB CPU                                  ,      10113462,    1011346,     10.11s,      1.01s
DATA,     106, 20080603 06:31:17,       10, TIME, DB time                                 ,      10124018,    1012402,     10.12s,      1.01s
DATA,     106, 20080603 06:31:17,       10, WAIT, events in waitclass Other               ,            51,          5,       51us,      5.1us
--  End of snap 1

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

This might help you to save few seconds of typing every time you troubleshoot :)


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